Desk 3108

projekt: Dller

This neat desk is the perfect piece of furniture for the student. It encourages to purchase by its functionality and optimal overall dimensions. It is large enough to ensure the freedom and comfort while learning, and not taking too much space at the same time. With eight voluminous drawers, all necessary writing implements, textbooks will find their place. White colour of the desk in combination with natural, warm colour of the top will give the interior some lightness and coziness.



Hight: 78 cm

Width: 127 cm

Depth: 49 cm



Pine wood


Finish in the pictures

Body - eco-friendly acrylic paint, colour Milky White

Top - lacquer, colour Golden Wax


The additional information

Drawers on wooden coulisses

Próbki kolorów

Uwaga! Kolory na przedstawionych próbkach mogą nieznacznie odbiegać od rzeczywistych. Na ich odbiór mają wpływ rodzaj i ustawienia monitora. (kliknij na wybranej próbce aby ją powiększyć)

Colonial Brown
Curcuma 42
Golden Wax
Dark Walnut 74
Copper Brown 45
Teak 53
Bleached Oak
Violet Brown 02k
Light Grey 02
Cream 15
Milky White 10
Milky White 10