Coffee Table Max 26

projekt: Wayne Maxwell

The top-class designer Wayne Maxwell needed only three planes of oak timber for the creation of this table: one, the biggest plane was used for the top, and the other two were used for interestingly cut-out and they served as a base. The original, one of a kind table was created in this way. This project is the essence of a good design, and it is the definition of the saying “ less means more”.



Hight: 38 cm

Width: 140 cm

Depth: 70 cm



Oak wood


Finish in the pictures

Lacquer, colours: Natural Oak & Colonial Brown

Próbki kolorów

Uwaga! Kolory na przedstawionych próbkach mogą nieznacznie odbiegać od rzeczywistych. Na ich odbiór mają wpływ rodzaj i ustawienia monitora. (kliknij na wybranej próbce aby ją powiększyć)

Colonial Brown
Curcuma 42
Golden Wax
Dark Walnut 74
Copper Brown 45
Teak 53
Bleached Oak
Violet Brown 02k
Light Grey 02
Cream 15
Milky White 10
Milky White 10